THAT rare day in March when Bob the Builder, Superman or Tigger might be driving your bus is fast approaching. On Wednesday 19 March 2014, Perth’s bus drivers, Transperth staff and a number of local schools and businesses will trade their uniforms for costume or free dress in support of Radio Lollipop.
Now in its 19th year, Uniform Free Day is the major annual fundraising event for Radio Lollipop in Western Australia and an important source of revenue for our charity. Last year, the event raised $103,065.75 and this year we hope to raise even more!!
To get involved, simply contact the Radio Lollipop office on (08) 9340 8835 for more information, email or give generously on 19 March as you board the bus or train for work.
Proceeds raised from the event enable Radio Lollipop volunteers to continue to provide care, comfort, play and entertainment to children in Princess Margaret, Armadale, Fremantle, Joondalup, Kalgoorlie, Murdoch and Rockingham hospitals through the purchase of books, craft and music, as well as maintaining and developing our radio program.