A HUGE WELL DONE to all of the wonderful runners who took part in the Great North Run 2019 to raise funds for Radio Lollipop Newcastle. It was a perfect day weather wise when everyone started in Newcastle and finished 13.1 miles later in South Shields to a friendly greeting by more Volunteers providing care and comfort 😉 which was very welcome after goodness knows how many steps. Our runners all had different capabilities but one common bond to run their hearts out for Radio Lollipop and this they did spectacularly no matter what their finishing times. We had a runner finish 82nd, two runners who started, ran and finished together to support each other and others who just got on with the job in hand to finish no matter how easy or hard that would be. We look forward to getting our final total raised as soon as possible and will be sure to let everyone know.
Here’s to 2020 and the 40th Great North Run.